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Our Company




We are a highly motivated young company that strives to turn your financial data into financial reporting packages that are visually appealing and tell you the whole story in an exciting and easy-to-understand way. We are passionate about helping our clients turn their financial data into a compelling narrative that will provide insightful and valuable information for supportive and strategic decision-making.


To get business owners excited about financial reporting and forecasting by championing the future of accounting through data storytelling.


Reliability: We really do what we say we are going to do.
Empathy: We strive to understand you and your business first.
Integrity: Honesty is at the forefront of everything we do.
Enthusiasm: We truly care about your businesses success and we show it.
Innovation: Harnessing the latest fintech to save you energy and money.

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Our Team

Jason Carter, CPA

Founder and CEO

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Ren Ashcroft, CPA

Director Finance & Operations

Tel: 250-886-8004

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© 2021 Carter Consulting Inc.

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